The Best are Reserved First
Musiikkitalo was in need of upping their ticket sales in the aftermath of the damage done to the industry by covid. The team arrived at the concept of "The Best are Reserved First" through an elaborate thought chain hopping from music festival marketing campaigns to online dating. Demand is derived through scarcity – or the implication of it.
I followed and assisted our Art Director to conduct the photoshoot at Musiikkitalo, after which taking hold of the reins in production. A vast variety of materials were created in both print and digital, still and moving imagery.
As my first big ad campaign I was beyond the moon with the outcome of it, circling around Helsinki spotting bus stop posters, giant media screens, riding the metro escalators up and down mesmerised by seeing my own work out in the real world. The same, obviously, followed online on multiple social media platforms. Yaaaay!