It says a lot when you’re looking forward to your dentist appointment — then again it is the only bloody social event in your calendar. I doubt life as a recent graduate is easy for anyone at any given time, but oh boy has this year been a nerve-wrecking rollercoaster of anticipation, disappointments and anticipation for disappointments. Haha… ? My life has diminished to writing job applications and desperately trying to come up with new hobbies around the house. The other day I managed to squeeze in a random weep-session-bordering-on- a-meltdown. Yay!
Life does not suck for me nearly as much as it easily could — as it no doubt does for many. However, now that Finland goes into another ‘lock-down’ (which is still very little compared to the ones London has seen) I face real unemployment as middle schools will move to remote learning. The brief joy of vaccines making all this go away was — well, brief indeed. Every time there is a glimpse of an end in sight it gets thrown out the back window. It’s been a year now and we’re dying for a break.
I find remedy in old vines that I was too lame to know about back in the day. They provide me the much needed entertainment and distraction being some of the only things that make me laugh out loud these days. Scrolling through the comment section one can sense kinship: person after another declares they are here, watching in 2021 reminiscent of a more ‘simple time’. Yes, me too.
By no means was the world let alone society any easier or better back then. Sure, we had no super killer virus but neither did we have equal marriage laws, or Taylor Swift’s Folklore. Jokes aside, it’s still very easy to miss those ‘simpler times’, to find comfort in reliving parts of the past. Nostalgia is a big thing among my generation, I read, and I completely agree. It is also very wonderful to be able to call oneself a 90’s kid, although technically I only managed to witness three years of that golden decade. Still I and the majority of my friends identify strongly with the turn of the millennia alongside the Nokia bricks, Friends et cetera — even more so now the present has frozen in time and all we have to live by proxy of is the past. So all hail the ingenious vines, family photo albums starring red overalls, and the billionth reruns of the one with that group of friends I wish I was a part of. Bye.
Life does not suck for me nearly as much as it easily could — as it no doubt does for many. However, now that Finland goes into another ‘lock-down’ (which is still very little compared to the ones London has seen) I face real unemployment as middle schools will move to remote learning. The brief joy of vaccines making all this go away was — well, brief indeed. Every time there is a glimpse of an end in sight it gets thrown out the back window. It’s been a year now and we’re dying for a break.
I find remedy in old vines that I was too lame to know about back in the day. They provide me the much needed entertainment and distraction being some of the only things that make me laugh out loud these days. Scrolling through the comment section one can sense kinship: person after another declares they are here, watching in 2021 reminiscent of a more ‘simple time’. Yes, me too.
By no means was the world let alone society any easier or better back then. Sure, we had no super killer virus but neither did we have equal marriage laws, or Taylor Swift’s Folklore. Jokes aside, it’s still very easy to miss those ‘simpler times’, to find comfort in reliving parts of the past. Nostalgia is a big thing among my generation, I read, and I completely agree. It is also very wonderful to be able to call oneself a 90’s kid, although technically I only managed to witness three years of that golden decade. Still I and the majority of my friends identify strongly with the turn of the millennia alongside the Nokia bricks, Friends et cetera — even more so now the present has frozen in time and all we have to live by proxy of is the past. So all hail the ingenious vines, family photo albums starring red overalls, and the billionth reruns of the one with that group of friends I wish I was a part of. Bye.